Women in Struggle for Empowerment



A women-led organization with an active role in various alliances and networks on women’s rights. Dedicated to promoting social, political, and economic rights for women with a focus on their political participation, voter registration, gender-based violence, and violence against women at workplaces.

About Us

Established in June 2011, WISE (Women in Struggle for Empowerment) is a women-led organization, determined to help bring about social change in how women and girls are valued in their communities. In a short period of time, it has done significant work around women’s human rights in Pakistan. Registered under Societies Act 1860 as Non-Governmental Organization, WISE is dedicated to protecting and promoting social, political, economic rights for women with a focus on Gender, Labor, Governance, and Human Rights in Pakistan.

WISE is an all-women group of like-minded people, united on the basis of a shared vision of gender justice. Its leadership comprises women rights activists, with a background of active struggle for social justice and women empowerment in Pakistan. The WISE team enjoys versatile experience in women mobilization and organization, advocacy & lobbying for women, and human rights-related campaigns, actions and struggles.

WISE strength lies in close networking with women’s struggles and movements at the grassroots, national, regional, and international level. We also believe in struggling and politicizing all human rights thus working closely with marginalized groups, religious, ethnic minorities, and vulnerable sections of society.


A just, democratic and violence-free society where women and human beings enjoy equity and equal rights, avail economic, social and political opportunities with full freedom and have the capacity to exercise their rights


Act together for the protection and promotion of women’s rights in order to change society in favor of women through education, awareness, organization, and building synergy among human right groups, women, and their movements.


Putting women at the forefront of development paradigms is a prerequisite for any positive social change. There is no development strategy more beneficial to society than the one, which involves women as central players.

  • Organize, educate women, nurture feminist thinking and leadership and synergize their struggles for socio-economic and political rights.
  • Promote gender equality, enhance and strengthen womens capacity to claim their human rights and countering violations
  • Eradicate gender-based discrimination, challenge patriarchal systems and customary practices that deny women advancement, opportunities and access to resources.
  • Advocacy and lobbying for pro-women programs, policies, laws and implementation of women related existing laws.
  • Empowering marginalized women and girls acquire knowledge and skills to access existing rights and services.
  • Counseling and legal assistance to women victims of violence, torture and sexual harassment and respond to the rights and needs of individual women
  • Respond to disasters, such as earthquake, floods and COVID, focusing worst hit and marginalized sections, especially women, girls and elderly people.

Awareness: Several sessions are organized for young girls providing them learning opportunities. So far, 805 young girls, most of the students joined total of 25 online and offline sessions on a variety of topics; Safe use of the internet, safeguarding and prevention of sexual harassment, career counseling, gender equality, pro-women laws, feminist struggles and Muslim Family Laws to create awareness about women rights to marry, divorce, maintenance, inheritance and property. 

Training: Five capacity-building pieces of training on “Essential Life Skills and Safeguarding” are organized, so far, involving female school teachers and young girls from districts of Lahore and Sheikhupura. A training module was also developed for this initiative. The trainees further arranged 34 replica sessions; 16 sessions with students and 18 sessions with young girls, involving 322 students and 254 young girls in their respective areas.

Seminars: So far, three public seminars were organized Against Gender-Based Violence to commemorate 16 Days of Activism involving over 200 women. Representatives of Punjab Women Protection Authority, National Commission for Human Rights, PCSW, Office of the Ombudsperson Punjab, Labor & Human Resource Department, Pakistan Men Against Rape (PMAR) community women activists and young girls joined these events. 

Actions: Since its inception, WISE has been regularly commemorating the 8th March, the International Women Day through organizing public seminars and rallies. Every year a large number of women from different walks of life participate in these events. WISE is also an active participant in the Aurat March in Lahore.

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Our Partners

Feminist Fridays
Legislative Watch Group
Mumkin Alliance
NOW Communities