

HRDN is a membership-based network of national and international NGOs and individual professionals. Promoting sustainable development, strengthening individual and institutional capacities and improving governance.

Human Resource Development Network (HRDN) or HRD Network is a membership-based network of national and international NGOs and individual professionals. Promoting sustainable development, strengthening individual and institutional capacities and improving governance through evidence based policy advocacy is the primary focus of HRDN, which is strongly reflected in our ideology and program design.

Over the years, HRD Network emerged as a leading Network in the development sector of Pakistan that represents around 850 individual professionals, more than 145 national and international NGOs, Educational Institutions and Public and Private Sector Organizations working for the development of Pakistan. The Network also maintains a rich resource pool of more than 300 experts from diverse backgrounds, which provides technical assistance and capacity building support to organizations and individuals.

The Network’s extensive presence through its organizational and professional members positions it as a distinct network of not-for-profit sector in Pakistan that facilitates, contributes and implements innovative and challenging models of development and ensure knowledge sharing in collaboration with its members across Pakistan.

Our Mission

“To enhance the individual and institutional competencies by facilitating capacity development and evidence-based policy advocacy”.

Our Vision

“Competent human resource to achieve professional excellence towards sustainable development”


  • To provide a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences with a view towards promoting human development.
  • To influence policy by evidence based advocacy towards sustainable development.
  • To support individuals & organizations in improving training related research methodologies, improving training quality and capacity building endeavors.
  • To establish and strengthen partnerships with national and international institutions and practitioners operating within the human development sphere.
  • To set and regularly review quality and self-regulatory standards for development sector in light of best practices around the world;
  • To organize national & international events in order to enhance development between partners and promote learning and knowledge sharing through networking.

Our Partners

Feminist Fridays
Legislative Watch Group
Mumkin Alliance
NOW Communities